Monday, September 24, 2012

Pseudo-random neo-Archaeologistical Survey in Artifact-Rich Landscape of European Motorway Service Stations: Not Middle Neolithic Examples of Merit from Arkadia, Greece - they come in next post if you are lucky.

The research vehicle is loaded with sample and specimen containers before we embark on the overnight run to the Via Egnatia maritime feed = Mrs N is loading her car with my junk before we set off towards Venice on our holidays

There appears to be life near Alemanni, the Germaic tribe who inhabited the area around Stuttgart are running a retail outlet = I need to stop for a pee and buy a mobile phone charger because I forgot to pack it..

A lavish banquet awaits = this stale sandwich and concrete tart cost €50

Modeled on the Colliseum the feeding area is surrounded by votive offerings: the place is full of useless tat.

On offer - music boxes from every muse

Tablets of aural mass destruction from every corner of the civilised world and America

Salivating cuddly toys


precious minerals

A clay pig called Nico

A clay pig called "Bob"

Tribal motifs

Not a mobile phone charger in sight

A group of HD charioteers arrive seeking solace

Departing scene taken from the stretcher

Somewhere in Austria at 03:00 my bladder gives out again

Somewhere after the Brenner Pass I wake up.

The Radio data system picks up local transmissions

Navigation is by the seat of my pants.... the 2 GPSs and the cuddly turtle disagree constantly where to go next

What joy - another retail outlet but this time in  Italy


more pasta




Scene at 09:30 - 25 coach loads of plebs who departed at 09:00 from Milan making their Sunday excursion to the motorway service area where I am in desparate need of a coffee... we picked up this ghastly stuff from the fuel station vending machine!

We are now in the car Ferry Line at Venice - just behind an elephant trooping act

Or are they German campers?

The chief Archaeologist.

Wonderful Citroen DS

and again from the front

Someone appears to be taking a pee just behind the Triumph with a fuel cock

Here we go - the only Ferry company that serves virgin Cretan olive oil for breakfast.
That was day 1.  We arrived in Greece 36 hours later.


  1. I don't think the title quite described everything. It left out the pigs. And yes booze!! One of the original offerings of all times. Helps sacrificers AND sacrificees alike. What is up with all the pigs??

    Have a great trip!

  2. I have to say Nikos you have the best blog titles.

    And it is a god thing you had a picture of the food tray when you said concrete tart or I'd be really worried you were describing something else.

    FYI - I think you need one of those salivating cuddly toys strapped to the back of one of your bikes. A mascot perhaps.

  3. A wonderful post with a great title. Why did you cut it so short? Or did you run into some sort of character limit?

    Great photos of the Citroen DS and the food assortment in Italy. We see a surprising number of strange looking expedition type camper/motorhomes around here and that definitely looks like one.

  4. Ha, my "useless tat" plays John Lennon's "Imagine".

  5. Nikos:

    and the mis-named Piggy didn't go un-noticed (notice that I am smiling)

    so much for a stale sandwich and concrete confection ?

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

  6. Hilarious! I find the blog title lacks a few words but other than that pretty well analyzed.

    Seriously, you really drive to Venice? Don't they have an airport over there... ;-)
    No but I get it, otherwise you couldn't have completed your studies of the Autobahnrasthofgaststätten.

  7. Glad to see that Europe is the bastion of tasteful cultural artefacts :-)

    Had part of our honeymoon in Venice 40 years ago and Mrs J was there in May as part of her "girlie" Mediterranean cruise. Mykonos was her favourite place though.

  8. Lori: Thanks - pigs are highly intelligent apparently.
    Brandy: Shall I have a cuddly pig as a mascot?
    RichardM: I love browsing in ferry queues - people and vehicles!
    Rog: Steady on - we are on teh road on a mission....
    Troubadour: apologies...
    Bob: I could not resist
    Sonja: Venezia was only a way point on the way to Greece

    Geoff: remember what Europe has now will reach NZ in 50 years. Mykonos? Full of queers....


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