The weekend precipitation risk seemed high as the Airbus banked over the Danube to land at Vienna.

The view from MRSLv2's flat confirmed that there were in fact clouds in the sky.

We take an evening stroll as I marvel that
Hundertwasser at least partially saved the Austrian car registration plates from EU conformity.

The next morning we took a stroll in the direction of MRSLv2's workplace and discovered that the little park that we are walkin

g through is in fact a major area of risk and prohibition.
It would seem that that there is a further issue with dog poop.

At least the S bahn driver sees an almost smiley face on his way to Heiliginstadt.

We stumbled across a novel way to park small cars.

As the blisters developed on our feet we ventured onto the marvellous public transport system - bicycles and dogs appear to be welcome.

Emerging into the sunshine we see pedimentary statuary that the Temple of Athena would die for.