Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Could Michael Fish organise an ACU Certified Hill Climb Event on Anglesey?

I give up, could he?

What is certain is that the ever optimistic Frank Melling's weather forecast was roughly accurate (except for the timing).  My photographic apparatus did not adapt well to driving rain, sea fog and cavalcading.

For a proper description of Thundersprint 2013 please read Richard's excellent report ----> HERE

A video may appear here sometime soon, but whilst we are waiting this is Thundersprint last year in sunny Northwich !----->HERE

The 2013 Version is here!-------->CLICk ME


  1. Rain? Fog? I just arrived in London and the weather couldn't be better... off to seeing some sights now.

    1. Welcome to Britain!

      This event was 2 weeks ago and time is everything with weather...

  2. Nikos:

    How can this be ? I thought it never rained in London

    Riding the Wet Coast

  3. Damn - you guys really did get wet. Nice choice of music for the video too.

    I think Sonja and Roland brought the sun with them. Have you seen Sonja's smile - yep she brought the sun.

  4. YouTube is advertising something called "Horizontal waterfalls" next to the video :)

  5. Chaps, you need a lesson in Geography, neither Northwich or Anglesey are anywhere near London. As Sonja says, London today is 17 deg and sunny - welcome to London Sonja! I'm in central London tomoro on my bike , give me a call and I'll pop along to say hello. Regards, El D

    1. feel free to use my blog as a dating web site

    2. Thanks N. By the way, I'll be passing by Knutsford again in a couple of weeks on the way to Christies - fancy a cuppa?

    3. Absolutely!

      I sent you an email.

      I'm looking forward to hearing about "London"...

  6. I'm tempted to say "Hurrah, bring back Michael Fish!" But then we'd have to bring back the 70s as well. And the 80s. And I can't believe anybody wants that. Maybe just crap sweaters and uncombed hair will be allowed to make a comeback.

  7. Still feeling nauseous when looking at the sweater...


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