The results of my recent psychometric analysis carried out with scant questionnaire data given to the
Illustrious One (no names but Jack you know who you are), reminded me of an early relationship that was carried out and sustained by the illusion and pretense that I periodically produce a wonderful spotted dick. In reality it flopped prophetically every time as I neglected to add some vital ingredient. The currant Mrs Nikos has never heard of spotted dick (although her Mother imposes dried and out of date Stollen on me).
Spotted dick is a steamed suet pudding containing currants and should be served with custard. Spotted refers to the dried fruit (which resemble spots) and dick may be a contraction or corruption of the Greek expression φουσκάλες στον κόκκορα. Another explanation offered by wikipedia for the word "dick" is that it comes from the German word for "thick", dicht or dick. |
Useful Tool of the week spot:
This useful dolly was purchased for €79 from the nice man at the excellent Polo motorcycle accessory emporium near Wiesbaden. I can now swivel Mrs Nikos' old heap and shove it right up against the wall of the shed out of harms way. |
Picture Quiz spot - answers on a postcard please.
What is the purpose of this appendage on Wilhelm I's back side? |
In the next installment I propose to address the difficult problem of dealing with goat tracks in Southern Greece.
Spotted on ebay Egypt going cheap - will this solve my transportation problems or drop me in even more poo? |
I read that as "I can shove Mrs Nikos up against the wall of the shed out of harm's way". Oops.
ReplyDeleteAs to the statue, that's the business end of his sword, innit?
I am very pleased to see you have taken my advice and moved on - and a most entertaining piece of writing it is too. Well done.
ReplyDeleteI have always been fond of that great English dish - although I prefer to hear it called its proper name, Spotted Richard to me. It was named after King Richard the Second, and he was called 'spotted' to differentiate him from the later Richard the Third.
Known to the Irish as 'Dick the Shit', or Richard de Turrd, and all.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard it called Spotted Richard, seriously. Always Spotted Dick, served when I was at school in long fat sausages in a big tray, and known as 'dead baby'.
Are you trying to tempt me with your spotted Dick?
P.S Please save the donkey... I know I said I was sensitive about donkies, but I don't like to see one that's just about to be emblazoned with go-faster stripes.
Your Spotted Dick is a flop?? You really shouldn't be saying that where all the world can read...
ReplyDeleteThe appendage on the statue is for lifting girl's skirts from a distance. Basically out of slapping range of said girl.
And if you save the Egyptian BMW not only will it drop you in more will just drop more poo!
ReplyDeletethank you for posting this about your spotted dick. You learn something every day as Beemergirl just pointed out. Now I know what swords are used for.
I was just thinking that your spotted dick would make a nice companion to your meat balls
Wet Coast Scootin
Spotted Richard = Spotted Dick...a very funny introduction to this English delicacy. Is this the way they have oral sex in England?
ReplyDeleteLove that Egyptian BMW
ReplyDeleteYou are a man of eclectic tastes, especially when it comes to food. The Spotted Richard looks to be an excellent example although they still make me shudder. They were a regular dessert when I was at grammar school in the non-upside down hemisphere of the world. It wasn't that they tasted awful, they tasted of nothing at all and that applied to the custard too.
A friend has one of those bike turntables and is similarly delighted with it. He is also a BMW rider which leads me to wonder why the marque features highly in the adverts for such devices ;-).
As ever from t'other side of the world....
Dear Nikos:
ReplyDeletePassing through the "ethnic foods section" of the local market, I came upon cans of spotted Dick a few years ago. I purchased all they had, and gave it to friends as "stocking stuffers" at Christmas. Getting spotted Dick "in the can" is an experience usually reserved for hard-timers in state penitentiaries.
I know I will pay dearly for this, but I opened some up and had it myself. I'm sure the canned variety from Heinz differs dramatically from the kind you get in a Hog Warts-type English school. It was somewhat dry, and had the consistency of fine, crumbly pound cake. The little currants were a nice touch. I liked it with coffee.
I thought of getting a turntable, similar to the dolly you have, so I could always ride straight out the garage door. But space is limited in the bike bay and its just as easy to pull it out on the driveway.
I would like to submit the picture of the donkey with the BMW logo to the BMW MOA for consideration for their magazine, giving you full credit, of course.
I do not have an extra bike for you to ride to get up to the rally, but I would be thrilled to make what arrangements I could for you, if you decided to head to the States during July. Keep me posted.
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads
After I got distracted by your spotted dick, my first thought on the statue was: please let it be his sword...
ReplyDeleteI also survived dried out stollen. Only to digest with lots of milk or buckets of coffee.
@Richard and Camilla
ReplyDeleteOne mans spotted rIchard is another ladies spotted dick, obviously.
@Ms. Blue
There must be some attraction as you took the trouble to write in...
The statue is that of Wilhelm I, the notorious skirt lifter (and wearer by the looks of it)
@Vespa (Bobskoot)
We have a main course and dessert - what is for starters?
What is "Oral sex"?
XS to you all, N
@Geoff (do you like this "@" thing? I have no idea what it's purpose is but trendy people seem to be using it now. Maybe it means "oi you!")
ReplyDeleteMy second name is eclectic!
What a pity that we did not meet at Christmas - I could have given you 10kg of dry stollen to take back with you!
ReplyDeleteI am a frequent user of @, but it's not by choice - I am not trying to be trendy! I will explain...
2 weeks ago, I changed the language settings on my 'pooter to UK English. One immediately-noticed result was that the " and @ have now swapped over, but my brain hasn't. All attempts to reset it have currently failed, I know not why.
I have not given up, merely resting.
Dear Jack
ReplyDeleteI did spot (haha) some web material on Heinz spotted dick but as most things in a tin expectation is high and delivery is low. Thanks for confirming this.
Another example is tinned dolma - they taste rancid like Mrs Mubarak's used feminine hygiene products but freshly cooked they are delicious.
I need to pass the USA visit proposal through he Executive Travel Committee for Senior management Approval - as long as we can spend 2 days in Manhattan worshipping the ground that John Lennon used to walk on we may have a "goer"
I'm hugely excited,N
ReplyDeleteThat is so annoying - I have a web browser thingy for when I travel that does that too. What is worse is Mrs Nikos' computer has a German keyborad and you need to press "ctrl" and "Alt Gr" and something else to get "€",""", sorry "@"....
@Vespa (Bobskoot)
ReplyDeleteI think that we have found a starter now - tinned dolma
Hahahahah spotted dick ;O) and the lovely trowsers of this Wilhelm...Puffhosen ;O) a kind of very short knickerbockers, how you write it?? ;O)
ReplyDeleteMrs Nikos
@Mrs Nikos
How wery redolent of a funghus growth..
Dear Nikos:
ReplyDeleteAs it turns out, I am a big fan of "dolma" though I did not know what it was. I have usually seen it presented as "dolmades." This translates to "stuffed grape leaves" at 99% of the Greek diners in New Jersey.
New Jersey is the state thta has fostered the remark, "As happy as a Greek in a new diner."
I love dolmades, as well as gyros in real tzatzeke sauce. I recently wandered into a diner in Pennsylvania Diner and demanded Gyros, which was on the menu. I was preswented with something that held sliced beef. I demanded the real lamb, sliced from the huge chunk revolving in the verticle cooker, and was told they did not have it.
I stormed out in indignation that did not have to be feigned.
It would be sensational to have you attend the BMW rally here in July. I could take you and Mrs. Nikos to the spot where John Lennon walked his last.
Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
At last, the true voice of the currant (sic) Mrs Nikos!!
ReplyDeleteWe called this comestible 'mothers arm' when I was a nipper.
Hello Gadj, are you going to write a post anytime soon?
ReplyDeleteI will post a gyros blog soon.
There has also been an unhappy shift from lamb to pork in souvlaki too.
Pork sausages to it!
Best wishes, N
ReplyDeleteYou spotted (sic) at laeast one of my hell raisin jokes - everyone a winner!
Hi Nikos interesting post, my dear old (late) Mum used to make spotted dick for us regularly - I still don't like it!
ReplyDeleteBy the way isn't Oral Sex what happens when you pass each other in the passage and say "F*#K YOU!"
The illusion that you made a mean spotted dick...what illusion? :)
ReplyDeleteI've been so lucky this morning to find some very wonderful and exciting new motorcycle related blogs! The photos of the food have me so freaking excited! (yes food junkie here...) a grand blog, a fantastic find! Thanks for showing us Nikos World... I'm really likin' it!
ReplyDeleteChessie - you'll like it here. He rides a good bike, and writes a good meatball. Glad you also found mine, too. You're very welcome there.
ReplyDeleteHi the rider
ReplyDeleteThat's probably why I havn't been so sucessful at "it"
thanks for writing
ReplyDeleteWelcome - you are too kind in your comments.
Richard - to whom do I make the cheque payable?
Richard's Majorca Beer Fund will do nicely, thanks.
ReplyDeleteI once had to order a portion of Spotted Dick for a friend of mine in a restaurant. He could not bring himself to say it. Bloody Americans...
ReplyDeleteGood photos again!