Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Flash Exclusive

Lookalikes of the hour:

A biogas plant near Cloppenberg, Germany.

Mr George Papandreou live on TV clinging to power


  1. Nothing wrong with biogas upgrading systems. You have to produce a lot of sh!t to produce a decent amount of gas. Maybe Papandreou's verbal output (or Berlusconi's or...) is the new solution to Europe's energy problems.

  2. Sonja

    Yes you have hit the proverbial nail on the head, Mr P talks a lot of shit.

  3. Well said Sonja. I am sure what we hear over here in the Censored States of America isn't half of what is really going on.

  4. No-one has ever seen George Papapandreou and Clement Attlee in the same room; they have the same levels of charisma - could they be related?

  5. Thank God for the speed of communications these days! Yesterday, they had a photo of George on the daily on-line quiz run by an NZ newspaper. These quizzes are life and death competitive affairs between my wife and me and getting George right helped ease me to a narrow victory. Narrow victories are ok - they don't get me emasculated or any any other form of retaliation.

    All the best from a balmy NZ

  6. Pleased to have been of service Geoff!

    Next week's quiz will probably show a bio gas plant in meltdown...

  7. Sonja and Trobairitz:

    Do I detect a degree of cynicism in your posts?

    Excellent, women after my own heart!

  8. Affer

    You have a point - old man Papandreou (X3) got about a bit apparently.

  9. The power of your Blog! One posting from you and the man is toast!

    And the next one looks like the bastard love-child of Gordon Brown and Ann Widdecombe!

  10. Ah yes, Lukas Papasnostradamus, a fine man sent down from Mount Olympus...

  11. We have a biogas plant here in Oxfordshire, which takes the waste from the whole county (about 50,000 households apparently) and provides power to about 2,000 households around Didcot.

    This surprises me as Cameron is MP for Witney and sometimes visits his constituency; does he not donate anything when here? I would have thought he was sufficiently full of it to power at least half the county.

  12. MarkE

    It's hard to capture random and inconsistent out flowings of extremely hot air but I suppose Dave provides a micro climate so that you can grow mushrooms well?


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