Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Game of Fours

A fellow but competent blogger tagged me in a Game of 4's: a challenge in which 4 questions are provided, to be answered by 4 answers, and then to nominate 4 other bloggers (or vloggers). Thank you, Sonja for providing a most welcome distraction from growing old and moving house and cleaning filthy gas cookers.

The Questions are:
1. What is your favourite food?
2. What are your favourite drinks?
3. Places you've been?
4. Names that you're known by?

Answers 1:

Meatballs Asia Minor style

Gigandes - giant beans

Meatballs and spaghetti

Wild boar balls...
Answers 2:

Planter's Punch 

Red wine....
Answers 3:

Constantinople in case you were wondering

Answers 4:
Oi you
The bottomless pit
Your Royal Highness
Mr Botchit

As virtually no one reads my blog I can safely nominate:

Retired Blogger Richard from Yorkshire

The very lovely gluten free cook on 2 wheels

A cultured musical  Franconian

Ms Wonky Words


  1. Well hello, Your Royal Highness!! Thank you for the tag!! I haven't done one of these since the good 'ol days. I will get onto it :-)

    1. blimey, that was quick!
      Takes me back to ballroom dancing "day"

  2. So, to summarise things... it's all about meatballs and red wine. Thanks, Nick.

    1. I was just thinking he seems to be all about the 'balls'. Glad I am not the only one who noticed. ;-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I knew you would approve Sonja.Brandy, my friend, what about the beans😂??

  3. Nick,
    You really must go to Vietnam to add spiced fish balls (stuffed into swim bladders). I'd hate to think you are missing out on some really exotic balls!

    No need to thank me, honestly.....

    1. There are probably better reasons to go to Vietnam Bambi! Thanks.....

  4. Oh GOtt ! Ich weiß' doch nix ! Ohgottogott ... Und daß ich ein "cultured & musical Franconian" sein soll hab' ich auch nur rausgefunden weil ich auf den Link gedrückt hab' ...

  5. I can only do eight balls at once, unsuccessfully tried my hand at three balls, it was a drag. But I did Fours.
    Mr Botchit ? Yessas ...

  6. Hey - didn't Saint Nik come from some Greek island ?

    Alles Gute - lass' mal von Dir hören !

  7. Nikos!!! Had no idea that you were still blogging - nice to see!

    Very best wishes for 2019 from upside-down land!


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