Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Die Kältekammer

Or in a word  Ganzkörperkältertherapie.

This is the cold chamber - don't ask me what this cures - the brochure is in German. As this is a "health" activity one is obliged to strip off to a swimming costume although a hat, gloves and wooly socks are permitted.. 

This is slightly warmer than usual - the ammonia driven cooling system can only cope with so much in a day and the local football team had just been in.
After 2 minutes in the cooler Mrs N takes on a frosty disposition.  One is supposed to dance around to music  - Mrs N regularly goes for 5 minutes to ELO.

I survived for less time due to listening to Neil Diamond.


  1. It never ceases to amaze me what the human body can endure.

  2. "I survived for less time due to listening to Neil Diamond."

    Top quote! Can't stop laughing :)))

    1. Funny thing, but you can sing it with a cry in your voice


  3. Holy crap that is cold. The only thing I can see that curing is a case of heat stroke. Aye chihuahua.

    I'd rather listen to Neil Diamond..... repeatedly...... for hours.

  4. I am not sure I would go into cold storage in my bathing suit. I lived up north for 17 years and we hit -40 and colder regularly and I woollied up in winter gear. Frostbite comes to mind.

  5. Is this for real? It sounds like something out of Dr. Mengele's casebook. Mrs Nikos, as ever, has us beat: 70's prog-rock will help you survive anywhere.


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