A big feature of our annual holiday stay in Mrs Nikos Hellenic Towers (a.k.a. The Eagles Nest) is that any visiting cat is given food. Such is the life at Pussy Paradise that the word soon gets round and whole families of cats pitch up.
Here are Mr and Mrs Ginger el Greco. They soon brought this Summer's progeny for supervised free grub.
I did question the morality of feeding the cats when so many Greeks claim to be in poverty - Mrs N's view is at least the cats do something useful in keeping the rodents away.
In other news:
Fearing a tsunami in the Naplion region, ταχύς the tortoise makes for high ground. |
Leaf poses next to a leaf. |
In the next installment I may tell you how the examination of a fuel cock in Venice lead to cheesecake in the Taunus mountians.