The Nikos family has been associated, one way or another, with the Peak District for many years and it is woeful that we have never ventured more than five miles away from the comfort zone of the Cat and Fiddle.
The tell tale sign at the Fairholmes car park that is the start of our 71/2 mile walk around the Upper Derwent valley. Actually there is only one dam in this direction.
No excursion in the Peak District would be complete without a vacuously staffed filthy counter with bikers standing around although we would have to wait four hours for the pleasure of weak tea and stale eccles cakes.
This is the base of the Derwent Dam and not somewhere in the Ruhr.
Not an Avro Lancaster in sight.
View from Derwent Edge to the Ladybower reservoir.
The going is mostly easy up here on Derwent Edge as we pass Lost Lad peak.
The outcropping grit stone has been weathered into some weird and wonderful shapes - here are some weird and wonderful rock climbers playing with their equipment.
Looking in.
Looking out at....
K75 interlude - apologies for this but I have not mastered the blogger text editor.
A magnetic sump plug doing its job. |
Now its clean. |
Sheep |
Male sheep |