Friday, May 30, 2008

Packed Out at New Ross

Another Sunday service at St.Mary's New Ross and the congregation awaits.........

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Belgium Wedding Fest

As I'm not very good at weddings I'm showing you this instead: I think its effect is that scooters use the set aside bicycle tracks that are in substitute for the pedestrian sidewalks. All very Belgium and very dangerous for the unsuspecting wedding guest emerging from the reception prior to the appearance of the bread rolls (but subsequent to the consumption of alcoholic beverage).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ping Pang Pong

A brother from behind the iron curtain has come to sprint a MZ 250 at Northwich.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thundersprint Weather Report


Plugs for Thundersprint

No, not sauceless escargot from the unforgetable Floatel restaurant with panoramic views of the Weaver navigation, but ear plug moulds.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thundersprint is Go

The biggest challenge of entering the Thundersprint cavalcade is down to numbers.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Piers my "Driving Supervisor" hands me a certificate stating that I have completed the Mercedes-Benz AMG & Off Road Advanced 1/2 day Driving Experience at the Mercedes-Benz World driving facilities. He says that he enjoyed it. I say thanks whilst holding down the contents of my stomach.

Mercedes- Beauty

Ken's Limo

Blimey that was quick - it's been put in the museum already!

Goat at Easter

I have just spent Easter Sunday in Greece: That's Orthodox Easter Sunday by the way and in Thessaloniki.
Far from the stomach turning expectation the plate of goat (katsiki) and chips (patates giginates) went down a treat.

Goodbye Ken

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